Great Egrets in West Lebanon

Thursday, September 6 was a day to remember. Some early photography at the Tucker Hill covered bridge and falls in Thetford was followed by a wonderful tour of the superb mountain bike trails in the Union Village Dam recreation area.  Mark showed me around and kept me safe even though the wet, sloping, cross-trail roots tried to throw me. We rode along the West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River seen below. Around noon I visited and photographed a small but beautiful waterfall I never knew existed. I’d been within a quarter mile of it many times in Fairlee, but only discovered it recently.

Next I stopped by the “West Lebanon Wetlands” to see if I could find the pair of egrets that Anne told me had been hanging around there. The egrets didn’t disappoint and were surprisingly easy to photograph. I photographed first from my car—cars make wonderful blinds—and then on foot with a tripod. The great egrets were mostly intent on fishing. Nothing big but they did get many tiny fish.


Below is a slide show of the egrets fishing.





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