Windsor State Farm Birds

It was, in order, “veer”, “beee-BZZZZ”, and “drink your teeee” at the Winsdor, VT (former) Prison Farm orchard yesterday. The morning was calm and clear. I arrived early, and I took a while before I made my first photo of a secretive Veery. 

Not long after the Veery disappeared, a Blue-winged Warbler appeared and sang loudly.

Here are a few more photos of this cooperative warbler.


Somewhat lower in the orchard I found an Eastern Towhee singing “drink your teeee” from an elevated perch.

He moved around a bit, but continued to sing and pose nicely.

I almost didn’t see his mate hiding in the dense under-layers.

Down on Hunt Road, there were two Yellow Warblers engaged in an almost continuous chase. They moved too fast for a photo. But other Yellow Warblers were more cooperative.


Here is one perched, singing, and flying.

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