Spring 2023

  Spring brought a killing frost, a heat wave, many cold rainy days, and smoke from wildfires in Canada.  It was a strange season in the Upper Valley, but it…

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Good-bye Winter

I should stop being impressed by how far the sun travels south to north at sunset during the change of seasons.  But I still am.  Above is the sun over…

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Caracara in Woodstock

I spent several mostly-frustrating hours Thursday and Friday mornings in Woodstock, VT.  I'm still regretting I did not head there Wednesday immediately after I received the email from Nathaniel Sharp…

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Five Mile Birding
Canada Warbler, Late May 2019, Rail Trail at Ice House Road

Five Mile Birding

Kyle Wilmarth wrote in a January 2019 NHBird email: "I’ve come across a very interesting concept of patch birding called the ‘2019 5MR Challenge’. It is pretty self-explanatory -— keeping…

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Wild Turkey Up Close

Last week I got closer to a male wild turkey than I ever have in my life. It seems he was more interested in two lady friends than me. He…

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Mergansers, Hawks, and Turkey

Late morning yesterday while driving along Route 11/103 in Newport, NH, I spotted Hooded Mergansers in the Sugar River. I parked, carefully crossed the busy road, and slowly approached the…

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Turkeys Displaying

Yesterday in Lyme, NH, I watched two pair of male turkeys displaying for each other. Eventually a female joined them and they wandered out of sight.  

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Ice Storm of 2011

The Upper Valley experienced an ice storm that hit Sunday night March 6. Our yard and driveway were hit quite hard. The ice is finally melting today, Friday, and the…

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Birds on Ice

There was a significant ice storm in the hills of Etna, and other parts of the Upper Valley, Sunday night. A subsequent post will show images of the destruction and…

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